Projekt Roam: Landscapes - Episode 1

12 August 2013  |  

Projekt Roam

Undiscovered. Untapped. Awaiting. Appropriate words to describe the endless possibilities of riding regions throughout North America. Knowing these places exist is that igniting spark which helps to propel us forward....

Projekt Roam

Now well into our third year of traveling full time, we continue our quest to experience firsthand as many of these resplendent places to ride as possible and share them with the mountain biking community through our films and photo articles.

Projekt Roam
Projekt Roam

There are a million and one hometown best trails and we try to focus on the endless, epic possibilities of where one could explore on a bike.

Projekt Roam

Our travels and films are about the landscapes we traverse across, bound upon our bikes. It's about the adventure; what you can discover and shred on two wheels. Sometimes, our path takes us to destinations that are rarely heard or thought of as a place to ride. Other times, we find ourselves in areas that we are encouraged by many to go and pedal. One of these suggestions landed us in Fruita, Colorado during the spring for a bit.

Projekt Roam

No stranger to the mountain biking scene, Fruita was originally established with a focal point geared towards agricultural enterprises, especially in fruit production. Now, the town's focus is channeled more towards outdoor sports recreation.

Projekt Roam

Hundreds of miles of world class mountain biking trails encompassing Fruita and surrounding areas have made this parcel of Colorado desert a notable mountain biking destination. Renowned trail systems interspersed in the crags and valleys of this varied environment include the Kokopelli Trailhead region, with Grand Junction to the east of Fruita and Rabbit Valley to the west.

Projekt Roam
Projekt Roam

The North Fruita Desert/18 Road Trails, which this film and article focus on, are quite popular as well. Riding many of the trails in this particular area is reminiscent to riding a trail version of a pump track.

Projekt Roam

The meandering terrain occupying this sector is an ideal location for cyclists to gather with friends of all skill levels and have a good time riding together.

Projekt Roam

Spring and fall are key riding months. Flowers bedeck the hillside in the spring before the heat of the summer moves in. The end of April hosts the annual Fat Tire Festival in Fruita, which can be an entertaining time for all.

Projekt Roam

Milder weather starts to cool off the countryside come fall, and evening rides are an exemplary time to catch a sunset nothing short of amazing. I've heard more than one local state the sunsets here are what sealed the deal in opting to consider Fruita home.

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Projekt Roam

Riding in the fading sunlight as dusk steals over the sky lends a glow to the white hued paths spinning beneath the tires. It's as if you were taking a pedal lap on the moon, i would imagine.

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The town of Fruita itself embraces the mountain biking scene with open arms. Public art sculptures, often bike related, lend a hand in adorning varying parts of the small city.

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This deserty hamlet also boasts stellar bike shops, an aromatically pleasing coffee shop, and a scrumptious pizza joint. All individual, sole reasons to make a pit stop in Fruita, CO if you ever get a chance. It's definitely worth a traveling rider's while to experience a kindred biker's local favorite.

Projekt Roam

Want a different glimpse of the North Fruita Desert Trail System? Check out this short, self shot film of us riding Pumps, Berms, and Rollers (PBR Trail) on our single speed dirt jump bikes.


Projekt Roam was founded by husband and wife, Colt and Jessee Maule in 2010. It has been their mission to travel North America in search of places that celebrate the unparalleled beauty and freedom of not only the bike, but the terrain we ride as well. Plan your own trip to Fruita, CO and check out more photos, film, and riding locations throughout North America at

Projekt Roam

Thanks to our sponsors for some great product and to all of our new friends who have helped us out along the way, ride on.

Words: Jessee Maule
Photos/Film: Colt & Jessee Maule (Filmed May 2013)
Riders: Colt Maule & Jessee Maule


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